If you are looking for the latest trend in color - put some orange in your life!
It is so refreshing to see such bold use of color especially when fashion advise is often black is the new black, and black is slimming, and black is basic, yadee, yadee, yada.
Orange is the color of summer.
Follow this link to read my article on Examiner.com to see the latest from the runway.
She was beautiful, talented, and taken from us way too soon.
We grew up listening to her crystal clear voice that could hit any note on the musical scale. Her voice was amazing and her talent inspired a generation. It would seem that she had it all.
We may never know or understand the personal demons she faced.
Rest in peace, Whitney Houston. May you be singing with the angels in heaven.
Having fun with polyvore.com, I created a relaxed, casual outfit.